Monthly Archives: November 2006

Attack of the spam-bots

Lately visitors may have noticed a large amount of spam hitting both .net and .com. Today I took a little time out of my studies and did a lot of site maintenance. Fixed some minor security holes that may have attracted the spam-bots. I also updated the XHTML to the main layout of the site due to the release of Internet Explorer 7. Now it views perfectly fine wherever you browse on the site! The updates do not affect Firefox 1.5 – 2.0 or Internet Explorer 6.0 or lower because their parsing of XHTML is different (and possibly more effective than 7.0 in my honest opinion).

As soon as I find the time I will continue to update the forum to the newest version, but with this semester being a lot more difficult than anticipated it’ll take me a while to finalize the design to the forum. I could just install the newest version of the site, and leave it without a custom theme, but I don’t think members would like that much. This is one of the coolest Jurassic Park sites around. The forum must mesh with the site in some way, shape or form. Anyway, if anyone is skilled in modifying Invision Boards drop me an email (don’t forget to change the “[at]” to “@”). I’d like to get it done before the year 2010.

Blast from the past

Here is a late Halloween treat for all of you… A while back I must have found the original Jurassic Park teaser trailer. I’m not sure when I found it or who originally posted it, but I’ve posted it here for now. From what I gather the teaser trailer reveals nothing, but an idea that started in 1990 involving a single mosquito trapped in 65 million-year-old amber. It’s pretty amazing to think that teaser trailers have not changed much over the decades–The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III had similar teaser trailers, which left us to ask “was that a dinosaur?” I’ll see what else I can dig up. Thanks goes out to the original poster of this teaser trailer!


Download the Jurassic Park Teaser Trailer Now! (8.5 mb)