Due to version 11’s somewhatĂ‚Â advanced nature, we’ve decided to change a lot of the content featured on the site. As a result we’ve decided to use the open-source XviD codec for our video clips. What XviD actually does for us is the following: it allows us to bring you high quality MPEG Layer-4 compressed clips without sacrificing the quality of the video itself; it also allows for a smaller download size in certain situations. If you are unable to view the video files, download the XviD codec for your specific system.
- XviD 1.1.0 for Windows 9X/ME/2000/XP (by Koepi)
- Xvid for Mac OS X (extra info)
- Xvid for Mac OS 8/9 (extra info)
Theatrical Trailer
Video Clip Usage
- Even though the clips are provided through the Jurassic Park db, Jurassic Park itself is copyright of Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment. Here at the JPdb we make no attempt at copyright infringement, our goal is to provide the best that Jurassic Park has to offer to millions of fans World-Wide. We provide these as highlights of some of the most stunning & climatic moments in Jurassic Park history. Further more, these serve as video backup’s. Provided on the assumption that the visitor downloading these clips own a hardcopy of the film.Extra note: Feel free to use these clips for personal use. However, if you plan to use these clips in any other medium please contact the JPdb staff at database [at] jpdatabase.net before continuing.
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